Staff and students at Mother Teresa Early Childhood Education Centre are excited to host the school’s third annual colour run on June 3 as they raise money to buy a new playground for their backspace. Taylor Weaver Meridian Source Photo
Students and staff at Mother Teresa Early Childhood Education Centre are going crazy for colour as they prepare for the school’s third annual colour run.
The 3 km funder run is being held in the school’s front playground on June 3 with registration starting at 9:30 a.m. The run begins at 10:30 a.m.
Registration is $5.50 per person or $15.50 for a family and all funds raised go directly to purchasing a new play structure for the school’s backspace.
“This is our outdoor classroom and we actually have a garden that was planted by our Grade 1s; as a school community we planted a garden,” said Pre-K teacher Sarah Rorquist of the backspace.
“Our kids get to enjoy this space for learning math, art, and different skills like that we do right here on our playground … we just need an updated playground to add to this area.”
After the success of last year’s second-annual run, Rorquist is hoping to see some big numbers to support the play structure.
“The first year we did it we were a little hesitant as to what it would look like, but last year’s run raised over $2,000 for our outdoor space,” she said.
“It’s a really fun event that’s a minimal cost to families to come and just celebrate everything; our school, our community.”
Pre-K students got to test out the colour last Thursday during a photo-op with local media, which quickly turned into a sea of smiles. Afterwards, Grade 1 and 2 students made posters to promote the event inside the school.
One of those was Grade 2 student, Hendrix Gartner, who had a great time making posters and is excited to try to cross the finish line first again this year.
“I think we’re going to have a lot of fun,” he said, adding he’s excited about the prospect of a new play structure.
“I think (a new one) would be way cooler.”
Gartner noted his favourite colour is blue because he likes the Leafs and the Oilers.
Rorquist also wanted to thank local sponsors as the event wouldn’t be possible without their help.
“Purchasing the colour is very expensive, so we reached out to our community and local businesses helped to provide the funds to make it happen. Kondro Electric is our gold sponsor, Kenworth, Robinson Construction and Skyline Refrigeration are our silver sponsors, and Walkin on Water and House of Stitches also donated. The Lloydminster and District Co-op is providing water for the race, and Sobeys helps by donating some cookies and juice for after the event.”