The most recent polls done by Angus Reid show the Sask party leading the next election race.
Currently, 49 per cent of the electorate would vote for Scott Moe's Saskatchewan Party. However, the provincial NDP party led by Carla Beck is only 7 per cent behind, at 42 per cent.
This is the closest the NDP has been since the previous election in 2020.
Additionally, Angus Reid, a non-profit institute provided a breakdown of the data.
According to the polling, 58 per cent of those polled in Regina and 57 per cent in Saskatoon would support the NDP. On the other hand, they still struggle outside of the cities, where Moe has 57 per cent of the support.
Comparitively, Moe has a significant lead in the vote of men and seniors. On the other hand, the NDP has strong support in the 18-30 generation.
The Sask. Party doesn't have support for everything they have done. Regardless of where the electors lived, the majority don't like the way healthcare, inflation and public safety have been handled.
The online polls took place from Aug 16-20 and had 802 participants who live in Sask and are members of the Angus Reid Forum. The poll is considered accurate within three per cent 19 times out of 20. Residents on the Saskatchewan will go to the polls Oct. 28, 2024.
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