Teens lead fun day at Bishop Lloyd

Ella Kulczycki, a member of the Lloydminster Comprehensive High School leadership team, demonstrated a team-building balance beam exercise they taught Grade 7 students at Bishop Lloyd Middle School’s fun day on Sept. 12. Photo by Geoff Lee


Bishop Lloyd’s Fun Day acts as a reunion for some leadership students from Lloydminster Comprehensive High School (LCHS) while helping new Grade 7 students get off to a great start.

LCHS leadership teacher, Dwayne Jeffery, was on hand to explain the connection last Wednesday morning during the rollout of this year’s event.

“Over a third of my students are from Bishop Lloyd five years ago, so they get to come back to the school and see old teachers and so forth,” said Dwayne.

His son Ryder, one of the current Grade 12 leaders, refreshed his memory of the fun day when he attended Bishop Lloyd.

“It was one of the best days of Grade 7 for sure,” said the teen.

He went on to say that a lot of new students, they’re at a brand new school, so the event helps them to chill.

“Just to relax and come out with your friends, it could be huge,” Ryder said.

His mom, Poppy Jeffery, teaches Grade 7 and says the annual event “allows our Grade 7s to become a team to have fun and become familiar with each other as classmates.”

Some of the bonding activities led by LCHS students were games like dodgeball, a relay event, a First Nations activity and a game of minefield that is tougher than it sounds.

“You have to be blindfolded and walk through a minefield,” said Dwayne.

“There’s also a fashion show. They get newspapers and duct tape and other things to make fake wedding dresses.”

He said after lunch they would do some improv for an hour and finish off with a mass tug of war.

The day kicked off with a group balance beam exercise best described by a Grade 7 student named Dekkar who took part in it.

“You start at the edge of the beam and then you have to get to the other side with everyone helping you so you don’t fall over,” said the youngster.

“It’s like trying to work on teamwork.”

His classmate Beckham thought it was great having high school students lead the day.

“It’s pretty cool because we learn from them and they’re older and we kind of get to know what they’re like,” he said.

There are 87 Grade 11 and 12 students in LCHS’s leadership program this year, which Dwayne says is the most ever.

“Today, we’re here all day working with Grade 7s on leadership activities. So, for the leadership students, it’s about leadership activities and building capacity,” he said.

“For the Grade 7s, it’s about team building and getting the kids to know each other early in the school year.

“We do this every year for the Grade 7s. Some are outgoing, some are shy, so this is a great way to get to know each other.”

Leadership student Chance Blythe remembered the leadership fun day held during his three years at Bishop as a great team-building exercise for everyone.

“It was great to meet new people I haven’t met before that didn’t go to Rendell Park. It was just a great day overall,” said Blythe.

The teen says being back as a high school leadership student, “feels like a giant circle of helping students that want to have fun” with some potential future leadership students in attendance.

Jeffery says some of the fun activities his students lead are sports-based and some have an academic slant. This year there was even a family feud activity.

“We decided to give them a nice variety, hoping kids will find a few things they enjoy throughout the morning. We’re hoping they can meet some new people,” said Jeffery.

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