Bioclean Aquatic Centre inclusive to all

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In response to the recent Canada-wide conversation around permissible swimwear in public aquatic facilities, the City of Lloydminster have provided clarity on the matter for its patrons.

The Bioclean Aquatic Centre and the the City-run outdoor pool are inclusive spaces where all are welcome. To this end, the City recognizes people of all genders will be held to the same swimwear standards.

The courts have solidified this right, and is considered a protected activity under human rights legislation. As such, a patron’s choice to exercise this right must be respected. As this activity is protected, the City cannot regulate or prevent it. The Alberta Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on gender, and the Criminal Code does not define nudity as topless for either gender.

The City encourages an atmosphere of respect within its public buildings and does not condone behaviour that threatens the safety, comfort, and dignity of staff and guests, including acts of verbal abuse or physical intimidation.

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Meridian Source Staff
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