CVR enforcing spring road restrictions

Courtesy County of Vermilion River

The County of Vermilion River (CVR) has officially started enforcing seasonal road weight restrictions.

“Road bans are weight restrictions that reduce the maximum weight allowed on any carrying axle of a truck or trailer by the percentage specified. In this photo (below) , it would be 75 per cent,” according to the CVR.

Coutesy County of Vermilion River

Read more: CVR and Town of Vermilion reach agreement

Additionally, the bans help keep roads in better condition.

“Road bans reduce the amount of damage to County roads during spring break-up. (This is) when moisture-filled pavement and soils are susceptible to damage from heavily-weighted vehicles,” said CVR’s post.

“Road bans minimize the amount of repair and repaving needed to maintain a high road standard.”

The restrictions are for commercial vehicles and do not affect standard passenger modes of transportation.

The county expects an increase in law enforcement activity conducting roadside inspections with warmer weather forecasted. Please remember to slow down when passing emergency vehicles with their lights activated.

Read more: Emergency lights demand action on roadways

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Dan Gray
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