An elaborate ruse surprised a Holy Rosary High School student with a university scholarship.
HRHS senior Jace Zidar received a $30,000 scholarship from the University of Saskatchewan. The award recognized his academic and athletic achievements.
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The school and family members organized a ruse to keep the surprise. Zidar thought he was attending a routine meeting about another scholarship he had applied for.
“They were really sneaky about it,” said Zidar. “They all worked together to cover it up and avoided me for the last two weeks so I didn’t find out.”
Zidar said he felt overwhelmed by the unexpected news.
“It means a lot. It means I worked hard for a long time to get here and this shows all the hard work paid off.”
Tina Zheng, student recruitment officer at the University of Saskatchewan, explained the scholarship selection.
“Why? Because he’s outstanding,” said Zheng. “He showed he’s talented in athletics, and also he’s been really good in academic studying.”
Zidar plans to study biological sciences, aiming for a career in dentistry. He also hopes to continue playing football with the University of Saskatchewan Huskies or in a junior league.
“That’s my goal. I want to play football,” said Zidar. “It’s looking better and better as time goes on.”
Jason Almond, career guidance counsellor at Holy Rosary High School, expressed pride in Zidar’s accomplishments.
“It shows a reward of how hard he’s worked over the years and how well-rounded they are as a student and as a person, as an athlete,” said Almond.
“We as staff at our school are really proud of our students, not only when they get accepted to post-secondary, but when they get big awards such as this.”
Additionally, Almond highlighted the rarity of the event.
“It happened once two years ago and we were very happy and honored that the U of S takes the time to come out and present these large scholarship awards.”
Zidar offered simple advice to other students hoping to achieve similar success.
“Just work hard, and hard work pays off.”
Almond echoed the sentiment, encouraging students to apply for scholarships.
“Don’t ever give up, always pursue any opportunities and dreams. Apply, apply, apply for scholarships because many of them go unclaimed.”
Zidar learned the scholarship will cover his first-year tuition and possibly other expenses. He applied only to U of S and is eager to start their program.
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