RCMP and SGI urge holiday safety

December brings festive celebrations, but SGI and Alberta RCMP remind everyone to prioritize safety by planning a sober ride home.

“December is a time for celebration,” said JP Cullen, chief operating officer of SGI’s Auto Fund. “We know that many drivers in Saskatchewan will be attending or hosting holiday parties. If you’re making plans to celebrate the season, we encourage you to make use of the safe ride options you have available, so we can all get home safe.”

According to SGI, 29 people died, and 338 were injured in impaired driving collisions in Saskatchewan in 2023. Meanwhile, Alberta RCMP reported removing 537 impaired drivers from roads last December, with 49 under the influence of drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol.

“Alberta RCMP officers will be focusing on impaired driving enforcement this month,” said Sgt. Darin Turnbull of Alberta RCMP Traffic. “With all the festivities that December brings, we have planned checkstops all month long and specifically this Saturday, Dec. 7, for National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day.”

Additionally, Alberta RCMP would like to remind everyone:

  • Your Alberta RCMP would like to remind everyone, this December, and always:
  • Driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs is never okay. Impaired driving is criminal and dangerous.
  • Impaired driving is always preventable and can always be avoided. Call a taxi or rideshare service, use a designated driver, or stay the night.
  • Party hosts aren’t off the hook. If you’re guests have been drinking or using drugs, make sure they have a safe place to stay, or a sober ride home.
  • Individuals with a Graduated Driver’s Licence must abide by the zero-tolerance law
  • Call 911 immediately if you witness or suspect impaired driving.

SGI has compiled a list of safe ride options for the holiday season:

  • Designate a sober driver or volunteer to be one.
  • Call a sober friend or family member for a ride.
  • Use public transit, a cab, or rideshare services.
  • Stay overnight if you’ve consumed alcohol or drugs.
  • Participate in programs like Operation Red Nose or free ride initiatives on New Year’s Eve.

“This year’s National Safe Driving Week focuses on driving under the influence of cannabis,” said SGI. “According to MADD Canada, nearly a third of Canadians reported using cannabis in the past 30 days. Alarmingly, 12 per cent of those users admitted to driving while believing they were impaired.”

Police encourage everyone to report suspected impaired drivers.

“Call 911 immediately if you witness or suspect impaired driving,” said Turnbull. “You never know whose life you could be saving.”

SGI and Alberta RCMP emphasize impaired driving is preventable and there are safe options to get home.

Read More: SGI schools drivers on safety – Meridian Source

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Dan Gray
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