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The Meridian Source is published once a week, on Thursdays. All material printed in The Meridian Source is copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. The Meridian Source reserves the right to refuse publication of any advertising or editorial material at its discretion. Columns and letters are the expressed view of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Meridian Source.

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If you would like to discuss advertising in the Meridian Source, contact one of our sales consultants.

Sales Representative Andrea Allen
Sales Representative Steph Hablado
Sales Representative Bailey Keebaugh

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For classified advertising, please call (306) 825 5111.

5921 50th Avenue
Lloydminster, SK S9V 2A4

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Comments or Suggestions

It is our pleasure to bring your community news to you. We value the tradition of delivering the latest news, events and information to you and your community. As a proud member of the Lloydminster community, we are deeply rooted in the local history and are committed to being an active and engaged contributor to our future. Our advertising, editorial and reader sales and service teams are always available and interested in hearing from you!

Our offices are located at 5921 50th Avenue.
Phone (306) 825-5111
Fax (306) 825-5147
Mail Box 2454, Lloydminster, AB/SK, S9V 1W5

Letters to the Editor

We welcome letters to the editor. Letters should be 500 words or less. A name and daytime phone number is required for verification. Priority will be given to letters exclusively written for the Meridian Source. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, brevity, spelling, grammar, punctuation and libel. Unsigned letters will not be published. Use of pseudonyms will only be allowed in special circumstances, at the discretion of the editor and the publisher, and only if the author’s identity is known to the editor.

Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Meridian Source.

Send letters to Taylor Weaver.

If you have a news tip, story, photo or comment, contact Taylor Weaver.

Photo Reprints

Reprints of photos are available at a cost of $10 – 5 X 7, $12.50 – 8 X 10, or $20 – 11 X 17.