Students lead 25th Rudolph charity

Rudolph’s Roundup Grade 12 student leaders at Lloydminster Comprehensive High School, Reese Hassall, left, and Delara Jadidizadeh, coordinate the collection of donated items for the Interval Home from fellow students. Geoff Lee Meridian Source


Rudolph’s Roundup charity drive has become a Christmas tradition for leadership students at Lloydminster Comprehensive High School.

The 25th annual program in aid of the Interval Home for women seeking shelter from domestic violence is coming to an end on Dec. 2, but the goodwill is likely to continue for years to come.

The school-run program includes community donation boxes that are available until Dec. 9.

“We’ve been involved in a lot of charities over time. This is one that has continued for 25 years,” said leadership teacher Dwayne Jeffery. 

“It’s one the whole community knows about; it’s one kids know about,” 

He says there are about 72 kids in the leadership program and everyone has a role to play.

“It’s run by a group of 12 core kids and every kid in our leadership group works one day and promotes it in the school,” said Jeffery.

This year’s milestone drive has been led by Grade 12 students Reese Hassall and Delara Jadidizadeh.

Their project goal is to raise $10,000 including cash and the estimated value of donated items.

“I think we are very capable as a school and a community to easily break the $10,000 goal,” said Hassall.

“All of our leadership class is involved…so a lot of support.”

Jeffery notes students raise money over a two-week period with class competitions and the placement of more than 20 boxes in the community to collect items and donations for the Interval Home.

Last year, Hassall was involved in collecting some of the items, but this year she and Jadidizadeh toured Interval Home to learn about their needs from Rudolph’s Roundup firsthand.

“It made very much real to see what items the women and children are most in need of,” she said. 

“Mostly, it would be clothes and bedding along with dollar donations so they can buy what they need themselves.” 

Jeffery says Interval Home also needs baby diapers and also hopes to provide a present for every kid who went there this year or is currently there.

“Also, we try to get enough soap and shampoos the basic daily supplies to last them until next Christmas,” he said.

Jadidizadeh relishes the opportunity to help provide a charitable need in the community.

“This goes to a very important cause helping women and children fleeing domestic violence,” she said.

“I think it’s really important as a school that we do this fundraiser.”

The teen thinks it helps that Rudolph’s Roundup is recognized in the community after 25 years of operation.

“Most people in the community are aware of it, so if anyone wants to donate or help the cause they can,” said Jadidizadeh.

In recent years the high school has extended the program to middle schools.

“We do a K-6 colouring contest for Rudolph’s Roundup just to get kids to know about the program when they’re young,” said Jeffery.

“And we give raffles for them later on in December.”

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Geoff Lee
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