Lloydminster Citizens on Patrol (COPs) president Don Larry seen here in front of one of the COPs marked patrol vehicles. The Lloyd COPs are gearing up to host the provincial AGM, happening at the Lloyd Ex.
Lloydminster Citizens on Patrol members have been busy preparing to host the ACOPA (Alberta Citizens on Patrol Association) workshop and annual general meeting.
The event, slated for this weekend, will see COPs members from across Alberta, as well as members of law enforcement gather at the Lloyd Ex for presentations on a wide range of topics.
“It’s all of Alberta for the AGM, but we have a workshop too—all day Saturday, with guest speakers and training for citizens on patrol and the Alberta RCMP,” said Lloydminster COP’s president Don Larry.
“We draw in groups from Saskatchewan, Ontario, B.C. They come here for the training and the workshops … plus all the liaisons from the RCMP from these different groups, they get together and they do their own sessions and demonstrations and stuff.”
Larry said he has traveled to attend the meetings before—one in Drumheller, and then last year’s AGM which was held in Sherwood Park.
“They’re pretty big events. It’s nice having it here, but it’s a lot of work putting it on.”
Lloyd COPs member numbers have decreased in the last few years, largely due to Covid.
“We’re down to about 15 (people). We were at about 38 before Covid,” said Larry.
“If anybody is interested, they can contact me. We’re always looking for volunteers. We’re short-staffed right now, so we can always use more people.”
Citizens on Patrol support the RCMP in Lloydminster by keeping an eye out for minor crimes within the Border City.
“We’re just concerned citizens in the community. We don’t get involved in the major crime stuff. We just report anything we see that should be reported,” said Larry, adding they have three marked COPs cars that they use on patrol.
They also do another thing to make the City safer through their ‘safe ride home’ service.
“If there’s some type of event like a wedding, Christmas party—we offer to take everybody home in their car. We keep the drunk people off the roads and get them home and their vehicles home too,” said Larry, adding the service is their biggest source of income as people are encouraged to make a donation in exchange for a safe ride home.
Anyone interested in becoming involved with Lloydminster COPs is encouraged to contact Don Larry at 306-821-1862.