Gigantic gourds draw crowd

Local green thumb Don Crews took home first place at the Smokey Lake Pumpkin Festival with his giant pumpkin, weighing in at 2,037 lbs. Crews’ pumpkin was a crowd favourite at this year’s Pumpkin Fest. Jeannette Benoit-Leipert Meridian Source


The border markers weren’t the only giant orange objects in downtown Lloyd on Sunday afternoon.

Local pumpkin growers Don Crews and Dane Suchan trailered the fruits of their labour downtown so people could have a look during Pumpkin Fest.

Don Crews took home the title from the Smokey Lake Pumpkin Festival for his gigantic gourd, weighing in at 2,037 lbs.

“I started growing giant pumpkins back in 2000, or maybe ’99,” he recalled, adding there’s a lot more to it than you’d think.”

“First you have to have it in the right place on the vine, you have to have a big enough plant. You have to maneuver all the vines, and you have to trim them. You’ve got to allow for the growth of the pumpkin. We’ve learned all these things the hard way,” said Crews.

“It’s all about planning for each stage of the growth. I’ve already started for next year—I have to soil test, tend the soil properly, and then hope for the best.”

The pumpkins get their start on Crews’ farm, south of the City. Last year he grew one that was an astounding 2,537 lbs.

Taking home second place from Smokey Lake was Dane Suchan, who is also rooted south of Lloyd off of Highway 619.

“Everyone sees them because it’s right off 619. Everyone kinda looks forward to it every year now—driving by and watching the growth,” said Suchan, adding it’s his second year growing giant pumpkins.

“Since I pollinated it, it was 110 days on the plant. I start them in April and then dig soil heating cables in the garden to get the soil warm to get them out there earlier,” said Suchan.

“It takes a lot of work and time and it’s all about your soil. You want that soil up to spec. Don’s been giving them a hundred gallons a day at least. I give them a little less than that, and then lots of fertilizers and organic materials. There’s a lot that goes into them.”

Suchan’s pumpkins weighed in at 834 and 500 lbs. this year.

This year’s Pumpkin Fest attracted many folks to the downtown core to take in live music, a car show, various vendors and some delicious street food, as well as a bouncy house and games for the kids.

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Jeannette Benoit-Leipert
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