Kenneth Lloyd George Duncalfe

Kenneth Lloyd George Duncalfe was born to William Bertram and Constance Muriel Harding Duncalfe in Winnipegosis, MB on October 29, 1939. Dad was the second youngest child with siblings Lillian, Muriel, Florence, Ernest, Raymond, Vincent, and his younger surviving sister Bernadette. Dad went to his eternal home in the early hours of November 7, 2023 at the Lloydminster Saskatchewan Hospital with his family singing and praying by his side. Dad went to the one room country school at Winnipegosis, MB for all of his school years. He had a total of 2 teachers and after a couple of repeats on his final grade, he decided he was done with the schoolhouse way of learning. He walked out with a grade 6 education and went on to become an incredibly knowledgeable and educated man in a vast amount of subjects. When the traveling tent meetings came through Winnipegosis, Dad heard the call of salvation at a young age and gave his heart and life to God, being baptized later when he was in his 20’s, becoming a member of Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. True, Dad had times of trials and darkness through out his life but he always came back with a faith that was stronger than ever and a true, deep love for his church, never scared to say sorry and repent. One thing Dad always did was bow his head for prayer before a meal, no matter where or in whose presence it was. His last wish was that he could tell more people about Jesus and his final words to all of his grandchildren and great grandchildren were “Jesus saves”. Dad sadly lost his mom at the tender age of 11, which affected him his whole life. Her passing resulted in dad going to live with his oldest sister Lillian and Lloyd Wenger for awhile and then to his brother Ernest and Clara and their family. Dad ended up moving to BC with Uncle Ern’s and was blessed to have them love and raise him as one of their own. Dad also lived with Bill and Ethel Lable along with his Dad and sister Berna for awhile. Many stories have been told of those times… One thing that was a very large prominent part of Dad’s childhood and continued throughout his life until his very last day on earth was the love and joy of music and singing. Throughout Dad’s life he worked at many different jobs or vocations and he was usually working two at one time. He started off with detailing cars at a dealership and progressed into the tire industry. This resulted in a life long passion for vehicles and at last count dad had owned a total of 49 throughout his life. The majority of his life’s work was on a front end loader and he was a dedicated chicken farmer. Dad worked up until the last few months of his life as a parts manager and wherever Dad went he made many dear friends along the way. Dad and Mom’s love story is one that is as amazing as they were and started at the young age of 16. It includes eloping from Abbotsford, BC to Winnipeg, MB where they got married on May 4,1957 and they ended with celebrating 65 sweet years together. The loss of Mom on May 10, 2022, was the hardest thing for Dad and his loneliness was hard to watch. Dad and Mom added to their home four children: Terry and Lorna, Neepawa, MB; Daryl and Vicki, Lloydminster, SK; Susan and Gerry Chapman, Nelson, BC; and Angela and Bernie Toews of Neilburg, SK. They were the proudest grandparents of 21 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren with a personal relationship and bond with each one. Dad carried a list of everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries in his pocket and folks would always call and sing happy birthday on your special day. We were all SO blessed to have their presence in our lives on a daily basis. Dad left a wealthy legacy of his faith in Jesus Christ, love for singing and praying, ice cream and a reminder to stay true to ourselves. Services were held Sunday, November 12, 2023 at Neilberg Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Kenneth was laid to rest at Manitou Memorial Cemetery. To send condolences, please visit

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