Lloydminster will be painted Saskatchewan green culture activities and personalities during the upcoming Saskatchewan Summer Games.
"We're highlighting all Saskatchewan artists," said Gwen Mottram, chair of the Games' cultural events.
Mottram and her team of volunteers will present five days of provincial culture and entertainment Monday to Friday as Games go on from July 21-27.
"There's something for everybody and some of the activities are come and go, so it will also be convenient," said Mottram.
There are some duplicate activities like beading workshops throughout the week, since they are different sports taking place in the first half of the week and the last half.
Not all of the expected 1,800 athletes will be in town at once.
The full schedule of cultural events is posted online and in this edition of the Meridian Source.
"All of the cultural events are open to the Lloydminster community and those not attending the sporting events," said Mottram.
There is also free admission to every event as a result of funding from the Saskatchewan Community Initiatives Fund.
Cenovus Energy is also stepping up as the funding sponsor of Saskatchewan Summer Sounds, an outdoor concert and free community barbecue at Lakeland College on the Wednesday (July 24) evening of the Games.
"It's the signature event of the week," said Mottram with five live performances in store.
"All of the performing artists for Saskatchewan Summer Sounds are all Saskatchewan musicians, so it's truly a celebration of Saskatchewan artists."
The concert line-up includes three Indigenous artists and will open with Bree Harris, a ceremonial singer from Battleford and include a performance by Terrance Littletent, a hoop dancer from Regina.
The third Indigenous group is LJ Tyson & Band, a folk/pop band from Prince Albert.
The Bromatics and JJ Voss will also take to the stage and there will be roving entertainment among the audience as well.
"There's something for everybody—all age groups," said Mottram who calls her role, a labour of love as a member of the Lloydminster 2024 Host Society board of directors
Mottram is also the chair of the Lloydminster Regional Theatre Foundation and a board member of Arts Without Borders Festival among other cultural roles.
She helped to pull off the successful cultural component of the 2008 Saskatchewan Summer Games hosted by Lloydminster.
"I think the team of dedicated arts volunteers made it work so well," she said, noting they are still looking for some volunteers for this year's Games.
"There are some shifts to do some merchandise sales at the Saskatchewan Summer Sounds event I need help with, as well as a tidy crew. Those shifts will be available on the Games' website," said Mottram.
She says all major sporting events throughout the world incorporate a cultural component and she is confidence Games' attendees in Lloydminster will be impressed with both aspects.
"I know they will be put on a wonderful Games and the cultural component just adds to the experience," she said.
Read More: Countdown to Sask Games
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