Saskatchewan residents should avoid clicking on fake online casino ads on social media. Scammers use these ads to steal financial information.
“None of the land-based casinos in Saskatchewan have a legitimate online version,” said Lotteries and Gaming Saskatchewan (LGS) vice president of gaming Steve Tunison. “People who see these ads on social media are strongly advised not to click on them.”
Residents of the province who want to gamble online can do so legally on It is the only legal gambling site in the province.
Additionally, if you see a fake casino ad, report it directly to the platform where it appeared, such as Facebook.
“Scam ads are an ongoing issue for land-based casinos across North America,” said Tunison. “Scammers illegally use logos, images, and branding from casino websites to create fake ads.”
Casinos affected include Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw, as well as those operated by the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA).
Furthermore, people should be cautious with online ads and protect their financial and personal information from fraud.
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