Rowing club in the fast Lane

University of Saskatchewan rower, Shelby Lane from Lloydminster, will provide her experience as a full-time coach this summer for the Lloydminster Rowing Club. Supplied Photo


The Lloydminster Rowing Club will be making a big splash this summer starting with open water coaching by speedy Team Sask rower, Shelby Lane, at Killarney Lake on June 1.

Club president, Michelle Lopez, says having Lane as a full-time coach will provide consistent coaching for new and experienced rowers.

“With her experience and the amount of coaching she’s received, it is going to be such an asset for the club and our development, and for our athletes to have an amazing mentor,” said Lopez.

The local third-year University of Saskatchewan education student athlete just finished her teaching practicum at E.S. Laird School and will coach four days a week.

“I’m looking forward to it,” said Lane, who will squeeze in some rowing herself.

“I do have knowledge about rowing, but the summer is more to focus on getting people out to try rowing, just to have fun. Everyone in Lloyd is new to rowing.”

She’ll also be focused on the techniques that helped her win medals at multiple events across Canada.

Skilled rower Liam Gilby from Holy Rosary High School will compete in the Canadian Secondary Schools Rowing Association (CSSRA) competition in St. Catherines Ont. June 3-4 in the heavyweight and lightweight singles.

He is stoked knowing Lane will be helping him and others improve their skills for future events.

“I love Shelby; it’s’ going to be a super good reason to practise,” said the teen.

“It will allow so many more practices to our schedule and just make it like we can excel.”

The club’s new indoor rowing facility allowed Gilby to knock 10 seconds off his 2 K time to qualify for the CSSRA.

It also allowed for the junior club to meet three days a week and the masters club one day a week. 

“It provided an excellent opportunity for fitness, technique and to come together as a club,” said Lopez.

Gilby is also a mentor, as learning to row indoors and outdoors in Lloydminster has earned the Grade 12 grad a spot on the University of Victoria rowing team this fall.

Lane says rowing at a high level at U of S has been tremendously rewarding for her with one more year to go before graduating in 2024.

“It was another great experience to push myself. I went to Canadian University championships, which was definitely a bigger regatta for me,” she said.

She is hoping to inspire new rowers to pursue that academic and athletic education experience.

“A lot of people that I’ve been talking to are very interested in going to post-secondary for rowing as well. It’s definitely sparked some interest from athletic individuals for sure,” said Lane.

Lopez’s son Elijah is another varsity rower at Brock University who got his start in Lloydminster.

He and a teammate, Daniel Brophy, finished fourth in the A final pairs at the Ontario Small Boat Trials in Welland Ont. on May 13.

Their boat covered the 2000 metres in 8:11.607.

“Both Dan and I, along with our coaches, were happy with our result, considering this is the first time I have trialled,” said the 19-year-old. 

He’ll be spending the summer in Ontario rowing for the St. Catherines Rowing Club before returning to Brock this fall to start his third year of undergraduate studies.

“It’s amazing, this little tiny club and we’ve got athletes at the university level, time trialling for Team Canada, it’s awesome,” said Lopez wearing her president’s hat.

“Our junior program is thriving, our masters program is thriving now.”

Some Lloydminster rowers coached by Lane will have their sights set on racing at the Western Canada Spring Regina on Wascana Lake in Regina on June 10. It’s the season-opening event.

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Geoff Lee
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