Camo crew targets awareness

Members of the Lloydminster and District Fish and Game Association gather at Wildside Outdoors to recognize camo day. Back row (from left): president Dwayne Davison, treasurer Larry Chambers, director Garry Cunningham. Front row: director Fiona McRae, Wildside employee Akayla Walsh, director Sherry Lechasseur.


Members of the Lloydminster and District Fish and Game Association (LDFGA) gathered at Wildside Outdoors on Camo Day to raise awareness and educate the community about the role of outdoorsmen/women in the community.

“Camo day is recognizing hunting and fishing and trapping and anything to do with the outdoors, conservation—the whole gambit. It’s to bring awareness and attention because most people don’t understand what it’s all about,” explained (LDFGA) president Dwayne Davison.

In Saskatchewan alone, over $600 million goes back into the economy because of hunting and fishing.

“Fuelling your truck up to go hunting and fishing … hotels, purchasing gear. There’s anywhere from 270,000 people who fish, hunt and trap in Saskatchewan,” said Davison.

“Whenever you buy a licence—whether it’s a fishing licence or a hunting licence, 30 per cent of that cost is directed into the Fish and Wildlife Development Fund, which is a government program that supports purchases of land. That land is all managed by the Sask Wildlife Federation (SWF),” said Davison, who sits on the SWF board for our region.

Since 1978 the SWF Trust Fund has protected over 75,000 acres of land across the province. The lands are accessible to members of the SWF, with automatic permission to hunt on SWF lands.

The LDFGA is the largest of 123 Saskatchewan branches, with 1,376 members.

“In the last two years there’s actually been a drop in the number of hunting and fishing licences sold in the province, which is kind of strange. It would be nice to get more people out and get more people educated in the outdoors,” said Davison, adding not everyone wants to hunt, and that’s fine.

“Not everybody is a hunter. There are people that just shoot, whether it’s archery or a rifle or a pistol or anything like that, that just enjoy the shooting aspect of it. So, we certainly support that.”

The LDFGA is also a huge supporter of youth in and around Lloydminster. One of their most popular events is their youth outdoor activity days, held annually in June for kids aged 10-13.

“The last two years it’s developed into a two-day event and we have 50 kids each day, so a total of 100 kids come out, and there’s waiting lists,” said Davison.

“It’s nice to see the kids outdoors … get the kids out there instead of playing on their game boxes and watching TV all the time and stuff like that.

“Most kids do like fishing, so take them out fishing. Learning life skills is a part of that too.”

Other upcoming events include the Lloydminster Gun & Outdoor Sportsman Show 2024 (Jan. 20,21), the 2024 Family Wildlife & Awards Banquet (Jan. 27), and the annual Fish Fry on April 18, 2024.

To find out more about the LDFGA and the benefits of membership visit their website

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Jeannette Benoit-Leipert
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