Wear red for a good cause

It’s time to bust out the red clothing in Vermilion for a good cause.

Wear Red Canada Day, which is Feb. 13, has been proclaimed by the Town of Vermilion.

“It was emailed into us, it’s a proclamation to support heart disease, women’s heart disease,” said Deputy Mayor Joshua Rayment. 

The proclamation states heart disease is the number-one killer of women worldwide and the leading cause of premature death for Canadian women. 

Wear Red Canada Day is celebrated annually to raise awareness for all Canadians but especially Canadian women to be mindful, curious and proactive of their heart health and wellness.

The final line of the proclamation reads, “We want to see better prevention, diagnosis and care and fewer women dying prematurely from heart disease.”

“Thank you council it’s a great cause to stand behind,” said Rayment.

Read more: Vermilion looks to upgrade sewer

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Christian Apostolovski
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