Telemiracle 46 a record-breaking year

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The phones were definitely ringing during Telemiracle 46, held at the International Trade Centre in Regina on March 5-6, and when all was said and done, a recording-breaking total of $8,002,722 was raised.

“That $8 million that was raised was just amazing, it’s overwhelming, and we don’t even have words to explain what that $8M means and what it’ll mean for the people of Saskatchewan, and of course the City of Lloydminster,” said Michelle Jaindl, Lloydminster resident and District 3 Kin Governor for Saskatchewan. 

“That funding will be able to help so many people, as well as the foundation board next year.

“I’ve never seen a total like that. For Telemiracle 42 we raised $7.1 million, and our goal for this year was to knock that out of the park, but when that $8M came across the screen, those tears of joy were flowing, and it was amazing to be there and to be a part of it.”

The annual fundraiser brings the entire province of Saskatchewan together for one purpose, to raise funds to help those in need.

“That money will go to the Telemiracle Foundation board, and we see applications come in from all over the province, including Lloydminster,” said Jaindl. 

“We fund things like home adaptation, any kind of medical equipment, travel accommodations and meals for people who need to travel outside of their home city or town for medical appointments and procedures.”

Of that $8M, just over $20,000 was donated by the local Lloydminster Kinsmen and Kinettes Clubs. 

Those funds were raised through the annual Telemiracle Steak Night, which was started 18 years ago by the local Kinsmen Club, and not long after, gained support from the Kinettes.

“Of course, we’ve had to change the way that fundraiser operated with COVID and stuff, but it was amazing to just see the community of Lloydminster out together and still be able to raise some funds, despite COVID,” said Jaindl. “We did a bit of a hybrid event, so even though we hosted an in-person event at Three Trees, which included live entertainment, we still delivered some steaks.

“The event was once again a huge success.”

Darcy Wildeman, past president of the Lloydminster Kinsmen, also noted that of the over $20,000 raised through the annual steak night, $5,000 came from outside of the fundraiser. 

“There was a long-time supporting of Telemiracle Steak Night named Dave Loken, who worked for Dynasoft Communications,” said Wildeman.

Loken passed away on Oct. 21, 2021, after an arduous battle with COVID-19 pneumonia. 

“In his estate, he left $3,000 to Telemiracle, and Dynasoft donated $2,000 to top it up to $5,000. Dynasoft’s owner, Ean, is also a Kinsmen member and he’s a great community supporter.”

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Taylor Weaver
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