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The City of Lloydminster will conduct a city-wide snow removal beginning Monday, Nov. 21.
The City is requesting the co-operation of residents and drivers to ensure garbage carts, vehicles and other obstructions are removed from the street before crews arrive. Signage will be posted approximately 36-48 hours before snow removal begins. Removal will follow the green, orange and pink curbside collection zones before moving to the yellow and blue zones.
In most residential areas, snow will be plowed into windrows along the street’s centre and picked up by snow blowers and loaders. Removal of windrows typically occurs within 24 hours.
Drivers are asked to remain at least eight metres back from snow removal equipment. Parents are asked to keep children away from large equipment and snow piles throughout the snow removal process.
In cases where snow and ice have been allowed to accumulate on driveways, an ice shelf may remain between the roadway and driveway apron after roadway clearing. Removing the ice shelf is the responsibility of the homeowner.
Tentative snow removal schedule
Snow removal will begin in the green, orange and pink zones on Monday, November 21, 2022, followed by the yellow and blue zones, alternating through the areas to accommodate regular curbside collection operations. Typically, a city-wide snow removal campaign may take up to four weeks to complete, depending on weather conditions. In the event of significant snowfall, resources may be redirected to Priority 1 and 2 routes. Learn more about the City’s winter maintenance activities at
Sidewalk and fire hydrant snow removal
Property owners and tenants are reminded to remove all snow and ice from sidewalks abutting their property. The property owner or tenant’s responsibility is to keep one metre (three feet) surrounding the fire hydrant free from snow and ice. It is strongly recommended to create a pathway to the nearest sidewalk or roadway. As per the Community Standards Bylaw, residents are reminded to refrain from depositing snow and ice onto the streets when clearing snow from a property.
Curbside collection
The City does not expect snow removal to impact regular curbside collection schedules removal. Residents are asked not to put garbage bins out until after 7 p.m. the evening before their regularly scheduled collection day and have all containers removed from the street before 7 a.m. the day after. Learn more about the City’s curbside collection program at