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The Vic Juba Community Theatre is the place to be on Dec. 18 as Fame Dance Studios presents the United Youth Ballet Company’s The Nutcracker.
The production consists of 30 of Fame’s best performers ranging from 11 to 21 years of age.
“We’ve put in five months of crazy-hard work, but everyone really enjoys working on their ballet technique in a story format with hair, makeup, costumes, sets, props, and that’s one of my favourite training techniques,” said Fame’s owner/director/teacher Sarah Makins.
“They absolutely love ballet, and it’s so nice to give them this professional opportunity in our own backyard at the Vic Juba. I can’t say enough about the Vic.”
Tickets are now available at the Vic Juba box office and are $21 for adults, $17 for students and seniors, and $13 for children five and under.
Fame will be putting on two shows on Sunday. The first runs from 3-4:30 p.m. and the second from 5:30-7 p.m.
Fame is also accepting non-perishable food items to support The Olive Tree and Salvation Army food banks.
“One of the guidelines to being a dancer here is to find a way to give back,” said Makins. “We’re inviting some youth groups, Big Brothers Big Sisters, some seniors’ homes and hard-working community members to come to the show, on us, as a gift, and watch the show, as a thank you for everything they do in the community.”
Makins also noted this production is more for the love of ballet and not for financial gain for the studio.
“This is for the dancers and the community, so let’s show them some support for all of their hard work,” said Makins.