Dennis McDougall

McDougall: Dennis was born in Wainwright Alberta in 1944. His parents moved the family to Lloydminster in 1949 where Dad was employed at the Kodiak Refinery. Dennis took his schooling in Lloydminster until grade 11 when he went to work for a farmer. When we were young teens, we got 22 rifles for Christmas. The wooden locks on the outhouse became our targets. Our parents weren’t pleased with our antics.
The first car Dennis bought was a 1952 Hillmond. Dad’s car was always available to boost the Hillmond. Maxi (the family dog in the back seat) was to go for a ride with Dennis. He found back roads that had abundant hills and valleys while speeding along watching out of the corner of his eye to see Maxi hitting the roof of the car. Dennis upgraded to a 1957 Chev four door sedan. By the time he was done with it, the hood was red, the fenders were black. Dennis loved cars and speed.
Not surprisingly, his calling was Autobody Mechanic. In the late 70s and early 80s, demolition derby caught his attention. The brotherly competition was on for the next five years. Who
would have the “best dressed car” to win the trophy. With both Dennis and his brother in the arena who would his mother cheer for?
A few years later, Dennis left Lloydminster to work in Edmonton. Dennis spent the rest of his autobody career in Grand Prairie. His wife Elaine and him spent many summers in Debolt, Alberta at the Golf Course. Many friends were made there and lots of good times.

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Meridian Source Staff
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