Alberta gives electrifying encouragement

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A new campaign by the Alberta government will provide information about electricity rates.

The province hopes to encourage new residents and first-time ratepayers to review their electricity options.

Tens of thousands of households switched from the Rate of Last Resort to competitive contracts last year. The campaign aims to ensure Albertans still on the Rate of Last Resort are aware they have choices.

“Alberta’s competitive electricity market gives consumers choice, and for most Albertans, competitive retail rates are a better choice than the Rate of Last Resort,” said Chantelle de Jonge, parliamentary secretary for affordability and utilities. “I encourage everyone to learn about their electricity options and contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate if you need help understanding your utilities.”

New Rules:

New rules took effect on Jan. 1, requiring providers clearly show if customers are on the Rate of Last Resort on their bills. Providers must also inform customers of competitive market options.

The Utilities Consumer Advocate will contact Rate of Last Resort customers every 90 days. They will confirm if customers want to stay on the default rate and encourage them to explore other options.

“Moving to a new place can be overwhelming and expensive, especially for those coming from outside the province or country,” said Yuliia Haletska, case manager for Ukrainian vulnerable populations at the Centre for Newcomers. “Alberta’s government is helping ease stress and financial strain by making sure newcomers are informed about their electricity options.”

The Rate of Last Resort is set at about 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. It changes every two years, with a cap of 10 per cent between terms to protect customers from sharp price increases.

Albertans needing help with utility bills or disputes should contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate.

The video below is of the full press conference:

Read More: Alberta focuses on health care – Meridian Source

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Dan Gray
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