The end of the ski season was marked with an exciting day at Mount Joy Snow Resort. The difference between this day and any other? No one on the hill brought skies or snowboards.
Read more: Mount Joy trails on the map
Mount Joy held their semi-annual cardboard sled races on Sunday, March 9, just in time for the spring melt.
“I was hoping to do this next weekend or the following weekend in March, but with the way things were last weekend, we had to do it this weekend,” said Tyler Wilson, Mount Joy Snow Resort board member and race organizer.
“It’s a wind-up to our year to get people out, and it’s a nice day today,” he added, noting getting outside and having fun is what Mount Joy is all about.

“A few years ago during a night ski, our president at the time thought it would be fun to bring back the cardboard race media challenge. That was two years ago, and we had roughly 50 people come out with sleds and kids,” said Wilson.
“We wanted to do it last year but had a horrible year for snow. The snow’s been better this year, but the weather hasn’t been our friend.”
Looking ahead to the summer season, Wilson is excited for what’s on the horizon.
“In the summer, we have a much larger trial system than in the wintertime. They’re maintained and bikers and runners come out all the time for that,” said Wilson.
“They need passes to use the trails, but that’s for us to maintain our insurance.”
Passes are available in town at Grindin’ Gears Bikes and Boards, or online at
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