Budget time is upon us once again. Every year the municipality has the daunting task of putting together a balanced...
Ghouls and goblins will be out in droves tonight for Halloween. This is a leap year, hence fright night has...
Defeating the men’s shelter doesn’t solve the problem. Late afternoon on Oct. 22, the Lloydminster Men’s Shelter announced it had...
As I read more into the past of this beautiful border city, I’ve found myself pausing to laugh and take...
With so much negative talk and emotions surrounding men’s shelters these days and the homeless population, it’s hard to know...
The great fire is often something you hear about in Lloydminster’s rich history. To quantify the damage, at the time...
In the past week, the federal government finally decided it was time to show some fiscal responsibility. Unfortunately, it came...
The Saskatchewan general election is shaping up to be a yawner with no game-changing events, issues or personal scandals expected...
For me, Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys Are Back In Town” will forever be associated with the start of hockey season...
Prior to becoming a journalist, in my early 20s I worked in retail. I guess I’ve always liked being around...