That’s all, folks! Shellbrook, Sask. resident aces $1.2 million draw

Lloyd Ex finance manager Stacy Cadzow, and Chase and Ace chairman Ray Foy, congratulate Duane and Janet Nyberg on their big $1.2M Chase the Ace win with proxy John Blair last Friday morning. Taylor Weaver Meridian Source


After 46 weeks of hair-raising excitement, the Lloydminster Agricultural Exhibition Association’s Chase the Ace raffle has come to an end to the tune of $1,228, 082.

With only seven cards remaining going into last Wednesday’s draw, the odds of winning the jackpot had never been higher, and when it was all said and done, Duane Nyberg and his wife, Janet, of Shellbrook, Sask., were the newly-minted millionaires.

“Oh, we were pretty excited,” said Duane last Friday morning during a press conference at the Lloyd Ex.

“It was disbelief,” added Janet. 

Duane explained he hadn’t purchased any tickets for the raffle until last Wednesday when he decided to buy 40 tickets at a cost of $200. 

“My daughter was buying them and I heard about it from her,” he said. “It paid off; it was good.”

Living out of town, the Nybergs were just sitting down to supper last Wednesday when the phone rang.

“The only 780 number I knew was hopefully this one,” said Duane. “We didn’t even know there was a live draw until my daughter sent us the video.”

So, what does Duane intend to do with some of his winnings?

“Oh, we’re going to help our kids out, pay some bills and spoil the wife,” he said. 

This was Lloyd Ex’s third Chase the Ace draw, and by far, the most successful.

“I’d like to thank everybody that bought tickets for this raffle,” said Ray Foy, chairman of the Chase the Ace committee. 

“The Lloydminster and surrounding area, where all the tickets were bought, we sure appreciate the fundraiser and support for the Lloyd Ex.

“Prior to last week we also had 45 weekly winners that profited off of this event. It’s been an exciting time; it’s been a great ride. We’ve had lots of laughs, and lots of winners coming in, and they’re just over the moon with this thing.”

The Ex’s last Chase the Ace draw wrapped up in July of 2021 when Jordan deGoede won $730,462.00. During that run, the Ace of Hearts was also pulled with seven cards remaining, by the exact same proxy as this run, John Blair.

As was the case last summer, Blair stated “I knew I was going to pull the Ace this week. Last time it was the third card from the left, this time it was the third card from the right.”

Not only does Chase the Ace give the community a chance to win some big bucks, but it also allows the Lloyd Ex to raise some much-needed funds.

“The money that’s been raised for the Lloyd Ex has come in a very timely fashion,” said Foy. 

“As you know, we’re coming out of a two-year COVID period where money was very tight. (With this money), we’ve put a new roof on the WLS Convention Centre (previously called the Stockade Convention Centre), which was in need, we’ve torn down some hangars making room for a future expansion to a campground, we’ve (also) put in some permanent infrastructure. Some examples would be some permanent lighting around wagon camps for the chuckwagons; we’ve also run power and wifi over the infield tower for live broadcasting of events.”

Foy also explained the Ex has been taking steps in the right direction to avoid costly rental equipment needed for on-site projects.

“We also bought a gravel truck. We have indoor riding events where we used to (have to rent equipment to) haul sand in and out, but we can do that on our own now,” said Foy.

“Everything we do going forward, we’re focusing on what’s efficient and cost-effective for us.”

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Taylor Weaver
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