Poppy Day/Veteran’s Week proclaimed in Lloyd

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #39 Lloydminster Sgt. at Arms, Rick Mallett (left) and 1st vice president, Vince Scott, (right) flank Mayor Gerald Aalbers during a Veteran’s Week and Poppy Day proclamation on Tuesday afternoon at City Hall. Taylor Weaver Meridian Source


“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.”

Those were the words of Mayor Gerald Aalbers on Tuesday afternoon as Veteran’s Week and Poppy Day were proclaimed in the Border City.

Aalbers officially declared Oct. 29 as Poppy Day and the week of Nov. 5-11 as Veteran’s Week.

“This is very important to our Legion because it lets people know we’re still here, but it also reminds people of why we’re here, especially come Remembrance Day,” said the local Legion’s 1st vice president, Vince Scott.

“The Legion will be open on Poppy Day and anyone and everyone are welcome. We’ll be doing our typical Saturday things such as the meat draw and likely some live music, and we invite everyone to come out.”

Having been the mayor of Lloydminster since 2016, Aalbers is no stranger to proclamations, these two annual proclamations, dig deep.

“I think it behooves all of us to take time and reflect,” said Aalbers. “The sacrifice people have made and continue to make today, really hits home during Veteran’s Week and Poppy Day.

“I express my thanks to Legion members, those still with us and those who have passed, to every man and woman who has served our country and other countries to bring freedom to the world, to members of law enforcement who protect us every day, as well as anyone else working in emergency services.”

Scott, Lloydminster Legion Sgt. at Arms, Rick Mallett, and Aalbers all noted they’re looking forward to being able to once again host an indoor Remembrance Day ceremony at 10:45 a.m. on Nov. 11 in the Lloyd Comp gym.

“It’s good, and we need to get the community back,” said Mallett. 

“We’ve done a private Remembrance Day ceremony at the Legion the past couple of years, so it’s great we’ll be back hosting the ceremony in the gym at the Lloyd Comp again.”

“You’ll want to get there early,” added Scott. “My phone’s been ringing lots with people asking about details for the ceremony, so I think we’ll have a good turnout.”

The public is also invited to the 8th annual No Stone Left Alone ceremony, taking place on Nov. 5 at 10:30 a.m. at the Lloydminster Cemetery.

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Taylor Weaver
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