Klunker Dunker supports new Kitscoty event centre

The Klunker Dunker fundraiser is currently taking place in Kitscoty to help raise funds to build a new curling rink, golf course clubhouse, a concession at the ball diamonds, and stalls and a wash rack for the 4-H club. Supplied Photo


Have you noticed a white delivery van sitting on the ice just outside of Kitscoty and wondered what was going on? Fear not, we got you covered.

With many amenities past end-of-life, particularly the curling rink, the village of Kitscoty is in dire need of a new sports and event centre, and they need your help to reach the fundraising goal.

A very unique fundraising campaign, the Klunker Dunker kicked off the first week of February and wraps up when the weather starts getting warmer … when the campaign actually comes to a close is all up to Mother Nature.

The Klunker Dunker is a 50/50 ice-drop raffle where the winner buys tickets for the date and time they believe the klunker vehicle will fall through the ice in the spring. The winner will be the person who bought the correct time the vehicle falls through the ice, triggering a float system activated at the moment it hits the water.


Supplied Photo


“We’ve got a delivery van parked on a water body just outside of Kitscoty, on the corner of Hwy. 897 and the road that goes into Kitscoty,” said fundraising committee chair Dustin Newman. 

“We’ve got switches mounted to the van, and when the ice melts and the van drops into the water, the switch will send a message to my phone informing me of the winning time. If the van drops through the ice during your time slot, you win half the pot.”

Talks of a new curling rink have been in the works for years, but serious talks began in late 2019 after the passing of Ethel Beaton, a long-time resident of Kitscoty who left some money to the curling club when she passed.

“Then talk of building more than just a curling rink began and it was decided to move the curling rink down to the regional park and have it also run as a clubhouse for the golf club, a new concession for the ball diamonds, of course, the curling rink, as well as some stalls and wash racks for 4-H on the side of the building,” said Newman. “It will be a multi-use, multi-user group facility that will get used all year round.” 

Of course, funding is always a big question, and Newman explained the new facility will come in at just over $2M.

“That’s what we’ve had it priced out at and that’s what we’re working towards,” he said.

“We just had the building design finalized in the last few months and we’ve got a few things to finalize, but things are going well. With the fundraiser kicked off, further fundraising and grant writing is the plan for the next two years or so.”

Newman explained the idea of a new sports and event centre has the entire community buzzing, especially considering it’s been so long since new amenities have been built in the community.

“There’s a concession in Kitscoty that’s end-of-life. The clubhouse is starting to fall down as well, so it’s at end-of-life. We’ll have a lot more space in a facility like this, and each aspect of the design has different purposes,” he said.

“When it comes to 4-H, 4-H has been a part of Kitscoty forever, they’ve just never had a home. Traditionally, they’ve used the hockey rink, but there’s a lot of setting up and tearing down at the end of each 4-H achievement day, where something like this would have permanent stalls for the animals and wash racks, which they’ve never had before, and they could also set up a permanent outdoor show ring if the weather’s good .. and if the weather is not good, they can use the curling rink for indoor shows. We’re excited to be able to give these kids something they’ve never had in Kitscoty before.”

The last thing to be built in Kitscoty was the Kitscoty Hall, which is now already 20 years old and has been a major staple in the community since its opening.

“The curling rink is roughly 70 years old and the clubhouse and concession are both over 50 years old, so they’re in dire need of replacement,” he said.

Tickets for the Klunker Dunker are available at www.klunkerlunker.com and Newman noted those interested can buy as many time slots as they’d like.

“The times are divided into 10-minute intervals, and once you buy your 10-minute interval no one else can buy it,” he said.

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Taylor Weaver
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