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On Jan. 19, as part of an ongoing property crime investigation, Lakeland RCMP Crime Reduction Unit (LCRU), Bonnyville RCMP, Eastern Alberta District CRU, Cold Lake Police Dog Service (PDS) and RCMP Auto Theft Unit, executed a search warrant at a rural property in the La Corey area.
As a result of the search warrant and the ongoing investigation, officers located and recovered several stolen vehicles, as well as other stolen property, which was valued at approximately $133,000.
Also seized was approximately 292 grams of methamphetamine and 12 illegally owned long barrelled firearms, including a shotgun that had been previously reported as stolen in New Brunswick.
On March 17, LCRU, EADCRU, Lloydminster PDS and Bonnyville Detachment members executed a warrant at the same La Corey property. A male suspect was arrested and taken into police custody.
Dean Peter Gamache, 33, a resident of La Corey, was arrested and charged with the following:
- Possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000 x6;
- Possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000 x2;
- Tampering with a vehicle identification number;
- Fraudulent concealment of a vehicle identification number;
- Mischief over $5,000;
- Possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking;
- Possession of a controlled substance;
- Careless use of a firearm;
- Unsafe storage of a firearm;
- Unlawful possession of a firearm.
At the time of his arrest, Gamache was also wanted on multiple outstanding warrants.
Gamache was held for a Judicial Interim Release Hearing where he was remanded into custody by a Justice of the Peace. Gamache is scheduled to appear in Bonnyville Provincial Court via CCTV on March 28.