Nothing quite says importance like the colour gold.
It’s obvious why people who want to feel important or mark a memory use the colour gold, it’s really shiny. Well, that’s my rationale as to why people seek out gold items. I found something interesting, as I typically try to, a story about a golden shovel in Lloydminster.
A golden shovel was used in the official 1984 sod turning for Holy Rosary High School. Jim McLoughlin, the former Catholic School Division director, wanted the event to be special. A friend of his, Roman Kwasnica, suggested McLoughlin make the most of the day, meaning an ordinary shovel would not do.
With an event of this magnitude, you need the best. Unfortunately, hardware stores around the border city didn’t carry these golden shovels. So, they devised a better plan, go to Canadian Tire, buy the shovel, sand off the trademark, and spray paint the metal with gold paint. After three coats of paint the shovel was ready for action.
In 1984, it saw that action as Bob Dunham was ready to wield the golden instrument to earthen victory. The sod was officially turned in style.
What interested me is, the shovel ended up hanging in Holy Rosary High School’s display case and was used again in 2000 for the new school.
Once again, the shovel was unleashed from dormancy to bring golden delight to the city.
That brings an end to the story about the golden shovel.
I have noticed doing research for the story that golden shovels, potentially knockoffs of the original, were used to break ground for other Lloydminster projects.
But there can only be one golden shovel.
Read more: Opinion:Being a referee and all the comedy
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