Opinion: The death of municipal politics

It’s that time again, it’s time to get out and vote, choosing your provincial and municipal leaders is a relatively simple task. A task not many locally did last time. 

In 2020, albeit a pandemic year, only 15 per cent of people voted in the municipal election in Lloydminster. That’s in sharp contrast to the over 52 per cent who voted in the Saskatchewan election of the same year.

So, why the difference?

My theory is there is a significant disconnect between voters and those who say they represent them.

Just this week, a local group held a town hall event. Elected city representatives were invited to listen to the people and hear their concerns.

Over 120 people packed the ARC Church on 49 Ave. to discuss the land use bylaw, shelter proposal, and crime in our community. Unfortunately, not a single elected city representative was present. 

The meeting was organized and run efficiently, and while discussions became heated at times, it offered a productive venue for exchanging ideas. I want to acknowledge Russell Moncrieff and Darrell Dunn, prospective councillors, for attending.

Who are the representatives to decide which groups/town halls matter in our community? What does that say when they don’t show up, regardless of their opinion of the groups operating the venue? To me, it says they don’t care. In a small community, municipal politics die if people don’t feel heard by their representatives.

Being an elected official shouldn’t come by attestation or knowing the right people in a perceived club. It shouldn’t come by the ability to raise the most money.

In reality, these positions should be earned by taking action and meeting with all your constituents. Everyone should have a voice, not just the perceived movers and shakers.

Heading into this election cycle, I encourage you to run if you are thinking about it.

Share your ideas, thoughts, and vision for Lloyd. Even if you don’t get a seat on council, you’ve challenged the status quo by forcing them to answer more complex questions. Go to the city’s website if you want to do this. 

 Understand democracy erodes when the people become apathetic or internal threats to positions don’t emerge.

Lastly, even if you don’t want to get involved directly, vote. Many people have sacrificed way too much for you not to.

Read more: Letter to the Editor: Lloydminster Hospital – Rave to staff

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Dan Gray
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