This week I am tipping my hat to Border City Connects and their “CareAvan” shuttle service.
The non-profit transportation organization uses vans to take residents to round trip medical appointments out of town.
I used it for the third time last week for an appointment at the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute in Edmonton.
I had to leave on Thursday afternoon for a Friday morning appointment at 6:30 a.m. and I was back home on Friday afternoon!
The whole experience was awesome as my volunteer senior driver went out of his way to accommodate my appointment by staying overnight in Edmonton with one of his relatives.
That meant he was able to pick me up and bring me home. He also went out of his way to get me to a restaurant on the way home and I enjoyed his conversation.
He is one of about 25 volunteers drivers on call to provide this service as far east as Saskatoon and west to the greater Edmonton area.
The cost to the client is a suggested donation to cover incurred costs. I paid $130 for the round trip and it was worth every penny.
It would have cost me way more, if I had driven my own car including the cost of overnight parking.
I was also able to book a private room with a shower at the University of Alberta Hospital outpatient residence for just $25!
I could walk from my room to my appointment following various hospital pedways.
I am pretty sure my donation didn’t cover the cost of the vehicle, fuel and insurance, being the only passenger, so fundraising and donations are important to keep the fleet of vans on the road.
Border City Connects also operates Border City Express buses that provide transportation for residents with developmental and mobility challenges in Lloyd.
The Express service also takes groups and individuals to work, school, various outings and medical appointments around town.
The non-profit society provides other services as well for all age groups in the city.
This organization is getting a double toot from my horn as a one of a kind service that helps make Lloydminster a good place to live.
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