Student auto show loud and proud

Dalyn Hepburn added some special touches to his 2001 GMC truck at the Lloydminster Comprehensive Car and Truck Show to claim the Most Redneck trophy. Geoff Lee Meridian Source


The entrance to sub-woofer heaven is through the back door of Lloydminster Comprehensive High School at the annual student car and truck show. 

The vibrations at this year’s show, held on June 1, were off the Richter scale with teenage drivers competing for trophies in various categories including Loudest Stereo and Loudest Exhaust.

Zen Bosch entered a 1979 F-150 truck he and his dad built in the Best Classic category, but he could have challenged for the loudest muffler, too.

“It’s pretty loud. I can’t lie,” he said, noting he was afraid of blowing off this reporter’s socks when he fired it up.

Bosch says this was the first time he drove it to school with another truck just like it at home.

“This one’s got a 460 (cubic inches) in it. The other one’s got a 460, but it’s stroked out to 520. It’s a fully built truck. It is a lot louder than this truck. That’s the neighbourhood disturber,” he said with a laugh.

Jacey Whelan was also amping the decibels with her KTM SXF 250 motocross bike in the Less Than Four Wheels loudest exhaust event.

She proudly showed off new graphics and powder-coated handlebars and parts she and her dad added prior to the event for her racing season.

“I race a D-class, which is riders with my bike size and I go in a ladies group,” she said after revving the engine for her entourage and exhaust judges.

“I hope to win, but this is all just for fun though,” she added.

For the quieter types, there were also prizes and trophies provided by local companies for categories such as Best Stock, Best Custom, and Best Redneck, too.

“That’s a lot of fun; the kids get really creative with that,” said English teacher Victoria Oldershaw who organizes the event.

“I just love cars. This is my 10th year putting on this event with kids.”

Oldershaw says there is also a Best Import category and a new fun one called Mom and Dad’s Money.

“That’s for one that mommy and daddy have lent them. One of the judging questions we ask is which parent loves you more,” she said with a laugh.

“Then we have one that we really love called Blood, Sweat and Tears. That’s where the student has completely worked on the car themselves; they paid for it; they worked for it.”

Mechanical and automotive program teacher, Darcy McFarland, put his hand up to judge that one.

He says he likes that one because it’s based on work and time and effort that’s gone in and not just who has the most money. 

“It’s based on what you’ve actually done to the vehicle,” said McFarland.

He says in his program, students do everything from general repairs and bodywork to diagnosing and overhauling engines and installing lift kits.

“We’ve got kids with top-end electrical skills and basic mechanical skills,” said McFarland.

Mech auto student Dalyn Hepburn has also acquired some foraging skills to change the look of his 2001 GMC truck for the competition.

“I’m going in for the most redneck challenge, so I took the hood off put a bull skull on the front and some antler horns on the roof, so hopefully I can win this competition,” he said, not knowing he would win the trophy when the judging was done.

He says he was in the shop the day before the event and took the back door off like it was an old hat.

“I’ve fixed the U-joints, the ball joints I’ve done everything to this thing,” he said. 

The show included some cars and judges from the upcoming Just Kruzin Show and Shine event at the Servus Sports Centre on June 18.

“We’ve done this every year. The high school has contacted us to help with the judging of the students’ car show. We always bring vehicles,” said event chair Gerry Duhaime.

“It’s great to see these kids involved—some beautiful cars—the kids know a lot about them, most of them and it was fun to judge them.”

2022 Car & Truck Winners and Runners-up 

Most Redneck winner: Dalyn Hepburn

Most Redneck runner-up: Skyler Fritz

Less than 4 Wheels winner: Riley Heath

Less than 4 Wheels runner-up: Shenae Quayle

Best Classic winner: George Mann

Best Classic runner-up: Ethan Randall

Best Stock Car winner: Nick Fowler

Best Stock Car runner-up: Kowin Zacharias

Best Stock Truck winner: Devin Struder

Best Stock Truck runner-up: Kaiden Dow

Best Custom Car winner: Ayden Belsheim

Best Custom Car runner-up: no entry

Best Custom Truck winner: Colby Rieger

Best Custom Truck runner-up: Brighton Weinkauf

Loudest Stereo winner: Kyren Pedersen

Loudest Stereo runner-up: Josh Cherniak

Loudest Exhaust winner: Cruz Borassa

Loudest Exhaust runner-up: Ayden Belsheim

Blood Sweat & Tears winner: Kyren Pederson

Blood Sweat & Tears runner-up: Colby Rieger

Muscle Mania winner: Cayden Hawes

Muscle Mania runner-up: Ethan Randall

Mom ‘n Dad’s $ winner: Cayden Hawes

Mom ‘n Dad’s $ runner-up: Brighton Weinkauf

Best Import winner: Desirae Messmer and Mia Peters 

Best Import runner-up: Bree Brassard

People’s Choice winner: Bree Brassard

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Geoff Lee
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