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The City of Lloydminster is seeking the community’s input on budget priorities as Administration begins preparing the 2023 municipal budget.
Property owners and residents will have the opportunity to share their voice on municipal spending priorities through an interactive, virtual budget engagement process available at The survey is open until 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 8.
“Each year the Your City, Your Dollar engagement campaign is an opportunity for ratepayers and residents to tell Administration and Council what services and programs matter most to them,” said Mayor Gerald Aalbers. “Respondents can share their ideas for how services could be provided more efficiently and help influence the allocation of financial resources.”
The interactive survey invites residents to comment on six service areas: government services, protective services, transportation services, social programs and services, recreation and cultural services and economic development.
Throughout the interactive survey, based on the 2022 residential mill rate, respondents can:
- add their property assessment value to see how increasing or decreasing service levels could affect their potential future municipal taxation rates;
- draft, edit and submit a budget and compare against anonymous submissions; and
- engage with other respondents through the feedback left on responses.
This year’s survey also incorporates the city’s trails and sidewalks network as the City plans for network improvements in 2023. Submitted feedback may impact how the improvements are implemented.
The City’s budget supports municipal services, such as, but not limited to:
- recreation programs and facilities, park amenities, waste collection, snow plowing, roadway maintenance;
- public safety and social programs and services;
- capital infrastructure, including roads, pathways and buildings; and
- the initiatives outlined in Lloydminster’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
The City of Lloydminster is committed to providing open engagement opportunities. Those who cannot access the online survey may request a physical survey by calling City Hall at 780-875-6184, Ext. 2322.
Find previous years’ budgets on the budget archive page.