Jayden Cornet honoured by E.S. Laird

A bench built by E.S. Laird Middle School teacher Morgan Mann was unveiled last Wednesday afternoon during the school’s first all-student assembly since the pandemic. The bench was built to memorialize the life of Jayden Cornet, a former student at E.S. Laird who took his own life in 2019 at the age of 15. Taylor Weaver Meridian Source


Jayden Cornet would have graduated from high school this year, but after enduring severe bullying while in middle school, the young man who loved to give and help others took his own life in 2019 at the age of 15.

The loss of life was felt throughout the community, and since his passing, a great deal has been done in regard to suicide prevention and suicide awareness.

Last Wednesday afternoon, E.S. Laird Middle School held its first all-student assembly since the pandemic.

The assembly’s special guest was Jayden’s mother, Desiree Cornet-Wile, who has turned her son’s suicide into a preventative talking piece among young people. 

Cornet-Wile started a non-profit called Mothers Against Bullying (M.A.B) and shares her message of “Be a buddy, not a bully,” as often as she can.

During the assembly, a bench, handmade by teacher Morgan Mann to memorialize Jayden, was unveiled at the school before being moved to its permanent home on the rugby field. Three trees, representing Cornet-Wile’s three children, were also planted in the school’s yard.

“Mr. Mann put his heart and soul into this bench,” said Cornet-Wile. 

“Mr. Mann is an earth angel he just doesn’t realize it yet, and my son looked up to him. This was my son’s happy place and this bench and today’s ceremony are way more than I expected.

“Jayden got involved in everything from yearbook to rugby, so this was a way to celebrate a young man who was lost very young.”

Even without a bench in his honour, Jayden’s legacy won’t soon be forgotten at E.S. Laird.

“The staff here talk about being a leader and helping out and being kind, and they talk about everything Jayden did and embodied,” said Cornet-Wile. 

“He just lived to help people and loved life.”


Desiree Cornet-Wile and her son London released balloons in Jayden Cornet’s honour last Wednesday afternoon as part of an assembly at E.S. Laird Middle School. Taylor Weaver Meridian Source


For Mann, who taught Jayden throughout his years at E.S. Laird, having the opportunity to build this bench in Jayden’s honour was special.

“It’s a legacy piece in his name and to remember him, but it was an opportunity for us to bring our students together and recognize and show a true Sabre and what that embodies, and Jayden was,” said Mann.

“He was involved in everything and was good to people. He had great relationships with students and staff and was somebody we hope our young people emulate as they spend their time here at E.S. Laird.”

As Cornet-Wile said, “We use Jayden’s name to spread a word of kindness and so these kids know they’re not alone; that’s what keeps me going.”

“All I want to do is reach the children and help them know they’re not alone and to enjoy life instead of taking on all the hardships they do, especially at such a young age,” she said. 

“It’s so important to talk about this stuff. Along with the bullying is an aspect of mental health, so it’s important to talk about suicide and mental health and get these kids talking.” 

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Taylor Weaver
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