Public Transportation survey now live

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Will the wheels on the bus start to go round and round? 

As of yesterday, the City of Lloydminster, in partnership with WATT Consulting Group, invites the public to give their input on the community’s public transportation needs and priorities. All feedback will help develop the City’s Public Transportation Master Plan.

A hot topic of discussion for quite some time, the City is conducting this needs assessment and feasibility study to better understand how public transportation could better serve local travel needs.

The study will include identifying the type of service that could be offered, its frequency, the operating model and economic impact. 

“What does public transportation across the city look like and what does it mean?” asked Mayor Aalbers on Tuesday afternoon.

“For some people, they use the existing Border City Connects to get across the city. We have the seniors’ taxi program and the Caravan, but there are other opportunities we believe are there.”

Aalbers explained the City is looking for a made-in-Lloydminster approach to public transportation. One that is cost-effective but also meets the needs of members of the community.

 “As I’ve travelled, every community has different needs for public transportation and we want to create a made-in-Lloydminster solution,” said Aalbers. 

“We’re looking for people’s input and what they’re asking for. We’ve heard it before but we want to revisit this because it continues to come up.”

There are two ways to provide input: 

– Online at The online survey is available until 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 16. 

– Via printed copies of the survey, available at City Hall (4420 50 Avenue), Operations Centre (6623 52 Street), Lloydminster Public Library (Unit 160, 5211 44 Street), or by request (780-875-6184 Ext. 2322). 

All paper copies must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 16, please note facilities may close prior to 11:59 p.m.

“There’s all sorts of opportunities I think we need to examine. That just takes a little time, but that’s what this survey is for,” said Aalbers, noting he wouldn’t be surprised if there was a real need for public transportation.

“What form public transportation comes in, that I think is the discussion point, for sure. Is it on-demand? What kind of hours do people need the service, and can we accommodate those needs? That’s what we want to find out,” he said.

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Taylor Weaver
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