Looking for local news, sports and arts and entertainment? We've made a short video to show how easy it is to save the Meridian Source website to your smartphone's Home Screen.
Since we're not allowed to share links on social media platforms like Facebook anymore, as a result, we encourage everyone to skip the middleman. Go straight to the Source!
We screen recorded Taylor's iPhone. The process is almost identical for Android users.
Step One: Open your smartphone's web browser and go to meridiansource.ca
Step Two: On an iPhone, click the "Share" button on the bottom of your Safari browser.
Android users, simply click the three dots on the top righthand corner of your screen and select "Add to Home Screen."
Step Three: You're done! No more wasting time getting to the news, it's a simple click away!
Locally owned and community driven, the Lloydminster Meridian Source is the online news source in the Border City. Whether it’s breaking news, features or sports, if you have questions about what’s going on around town, Source it with us.
Since online platforms no longer support the sharing of news, we encourage you to bookmark meridiansource.ca. Whether you’re having a coffee or enjoying a meal, check in any time for the most up-to-date news in Lloydminster.