Some updates have been made to Bonnyville’s animal control bylaw.
Updates were presented to Bonnyville council during the Jan. 14 meeting.
Las spring administration had proposed changes to the penalties section of this particular bylaw in order to make pet owners more accountable for their animals. When the bylaw was reviewed there was also a need to update some of the sections.
Coun. Kayla Blanchette asked administration for some specifics about what was updated in the current version of the bylaw.
“I know that we talked about lifetime pet licensing and things like that,” she said.
Penalties were increased, one-time licensing fees for both cats and dogs and there were changes to some of the restricted animals, according to administration.
There is another outcome with this bylaw.
“A secondary outcome of these changes, we will be able to alleviate some of the pressure on our shelter,” explained Blanchete.
The question of how people obtain licenses for alternative animals was brought up.
Under section 26 of the bylaw it states, “No person shall keep or have any of the following on any premises in the Town, unless that person has a Licence from the Chief Administrative Officer.”
Animals listed under this section include poultry, bees, pigeons or rabbits.
Administration clarified it would be done similar to a development permit where research would be done, ensuring provincial regulations are covered.
Council gave all three readings to the bylaw adopting the bylaw.