Hello, as per the article in the Meridian Source concerning a letter to the editor about the convoy, here is my thoughts …
I support the Freedom Convoy and all that it has grown to be. It is the loud and clear voice of those that have stood by in silent hopelessness and helplessness against ever increasing government control. We who have been beaten down, persecuted and punished by both government and society, including friends, family and others because we would not succumb to giving up the choice of what goes into our body, whether we have a genuine concern, a medical condition or religious philosophy, neither accepted and instead overwhelming intolerance that has propagated fear, hate and division. An uncomfortable reminder of the holocaust and its beginnings.
How many of us have lived like this, in a constant state of limbo and lies, feeling there is no way out and no end to it, lending to the see saw of everyday life, darkness and uncertainty, hoping for the best but fearing the worst at any given moment. No where to run and no where to hide, interrupted sleep and rampant thoughts of internment camps for the unvaxxed, fines or more?
Seeing the truth clearly for what this has been but disabled from doing anything about it.
It is clear that the mandates, including the vaccine, have outlived their usefulness and don’t work. We as a society need to get used to living in a pandemic state without the mandates. Never before has any other vaccine been ineffective in combating other illness, and never have we been required to get a second then a third shot and boosters. You can still get and spread COVID with the vax and hospital beds are filled with people that are already vaxxed, and yet we have been blamed for that too, our perceived selfishness touted constantly by health authorities and government, garmented with guilt, we are demonized to the world.
It is still experimental and there is science to support that it is still not safe as the long term impacts still cannot be known. Yet, it is peddled as the solution and people have bought into the propaganda of wellness and contempt towards the unvaxxed, which has resulted also in loss of freedoms that we are not ready to give up. It’s still not about us being Anti Vaxers its anti mandate what we are all about.
Mainstream media has mostly partnered with government to purport Liberal rhetoric, so the truths of vaccine injury and vaccine death, as well as the far reaching mental health impact, suicide, loosing employment, loved ones, some who contributed and built up this country, only to be rewarded by languishing alone in their final days on this earth without the proper bedside goodbyes to a father and brother in law, in my case, isolated away from my aged mother in a care home, not being able to go to a sister in law in her dire need because it’s too far to drive at my age and for my body across country and not being able to fly not even with rapid tests, weddings missed, funerals and holidays postponed and disrupted …
The people have just had enough and that is what has made this movement so successful and so enticing. Light at the end of a tunnel, the scent of sweet liberty at hand. How could anyone in our state not be attracted to this saviour of humanity?
Government overreach awoke sleeping giants on 18 wheels and the world has now responded, our voices resonating to the blaring of horns and the chants of FREEDOM.
For the first time in two years, I am proud of being Canadian. I wave our flag high and proud as I drove through Lloydminster in our own convoy to support our family of truckers in Ottawa and around the globe. Instead of feeling shame and sadness for our veterans, I have hope, pure unadulterated joy and hope.
There has simply been no other way up until now to advocate for change, and if that means people living in Ottawa and other Canadian and world wide cities have had disruption, well its a small price to pay for our voice to be heard of the now majority, according to CTV’s latest poll, which was surprisingly reported. We stand strong and our numbers grow because that is what people want!
It is exhilarating and intoxicating, knowing I am apart of something that will maintain our freedoms for my grandchildren.
That is what this convoy means to me and other like-minded individuals like me. The convoy is the vehicle that will bring back unity, heal our nation and our families from the damage the mandates have caused.
NO MORE LIES, NO MORE MANDATES, FREEDOM being expressed in YES, PEACEFUL, RIGHTFUL demonstrations by hard working, tax paying Canadians.
– Rob Rauser