Mayor Gerald Aalbers (back right) joined Grade 3 students at Rendell Park school on Monday morning to kick off Community Cleanup week. Tyler Jarvis of Mary Brown’s Chicken (back left) was also in attendence as the event’s community sponsor. Taylor Weaver Meridian Source
Reduce, reuse, recycle. That was the message being shared at Rendell Park school on Monday morning as Grade 3 students helped the City of Lloydminster kick off Community Cleanup.
Mayor Gerald Aalbers took the opportunity to speak with students about the importance of keeping our community looking beautiful while also talking about the City’s annual Pitch-In Week.
“Community Cleanup goes hand-in-hand with Pitch-In Week, which has been going on for 55 years in Canada to help cleanup our country, our city, our province,” said Aalbers.
“This is a terrific opportunity to engage Grade 3 students here at Rendell Park to teach them about the environment because, we all care about the environment. We’re all environmentalists at heart, sometimes we just forget that when people pitch something out the window, so, this is that opportunity to pitch it back in and pick it up.”
Pitch-In Week runs from May 1-8 and encourages residents to sweep sidewalks, pick up litter, or anything to make the Border City a more beautiful place to live.
“This is an opportunity to gather litter beyond the school yard, out on the street, in public places, and clean up our city and make it look beautiful,” Aalbers said to students on Monday.
“This is going on all week long and I encourage you to get out with your families if you can and go and pick up a little garbage, but make sure you do it safely.”
On average, the Lloydminster landfill annually sees 34,000 tons of garbage.
Aalbers not only encourages residents to get out and do their part, he also recommends taking a page from the ‘Grade 3 student handbook.’
“We can learn a lot from the kids because the kids care,” said Aalbers. “I really encourage adults to think twice before you throw (something) out of your car window, or wherever you pitch it. You’re going to stop and get fuel … there’s a garbage can at every service station.”
Tyler Jarvis, owner/operator of Lloydminster’s Mary Brown’s Chicken, was also in attendance as the corporate Community Cleanup sponsor.
“I think Mr. Mayor said it all,” Jarvis said to the students.
“Spring is a time of renewal and cleaning up after a harsh winter. In order to enjoy the rest of the summer we need to clean up after ourselves, so if you have the opportunity and you see garbage, just pick it up and put it in the garbage.
“I’m very proud to be a part of the community. This year we’ve been in Lloydminster for 10 years. I’ve raised my family here and we try to instill upon them the importance of the environment.”
As in years past, the Household Hazardous Waste Roundup will be held at the Lloyd Ex on May 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“Because of COVID there were some issues for the last couple of years, but it will happen this Saturday,” said Aalbers.
“We’ve got a very dedicated group of volunteers working with a contractor to ensure the waste is properly disposed of.”
Whether it’s an old TV, used motor oil, tires, or batteries of all shapes and sizes, Aalbers encourages residents to head down to the Ex to have their waste taken care of.