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It could be smooth sailing this summer for Lloydminster motorists heading west on Highway 16 to Edmonton with a few road construction projects listed in the design phase.
That’s the way it looks, according to the 2022 Provincial Construction Program, launched on May 27.
Some of the major capital projects including 75 in the central region are scheduled for the next three years (2022-23 to 2024-25).
A plan to repave 32 kilometres of Highway 16 between 7 km west of Hwy 893 and Lloydminster is in the design phase.
A scheduled repaving of 19 km of Hwy 41 between the Town of Wainwright and 1 km south of Hwy 883 is also in the design phase.
Design work is also slated for an intersection improvement at Hwy 16 and Hwy 830 west of Elk Island National Park
Alberta Transportation typically paves about 1,000 km of highway every year and rehabilitates or replaces about 50 bridges.