Pharmacies to accept used, expired meds

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The Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan has launched a public awareness campaign to help address the harmful effects of medication misuse. 

The province-wide campaign encourages Saskatchewan residents to return all unused and expired medication to a local pharmacy. 

The Government of Saskatchewan is providing $350,000 toward the program. 

“We are pleased to support the Pharmacy Association’s efforts to keep Saskatchewan residents safer,” Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health Minister Everett Hindley said.

 “Developing a provincial safe medication disposal program is an important part of our suicide prevention plan, as removing unused prescription drugs limits access to a means of suicide.”

The public awareness campaign includes billboards, radio and newspaper ads, and posters and warns consumers about potential misuse of medications.
“Most prescription medications can be dangerous if not taken as directed, or if taken by someone other than the intended patient,” said Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan CEO Michael Fougere.

“Medications that are safe for adults may in fact be fatal for children, pets or even seniors.”

Across the country, medication return programs have proven to be a safe way of removing expired, unwanted, or unused medicines from homes, thereby reducing the opportunity for others to find and intentionally use or accidentally take the unused medicine. 

“Pharmacists play a vital role in counselling patients on the use of medications, and they are located in more than 125 communities right across the province, so it makes sense that these medications be taken back to pharmacies for safe disposal,” said Fougere.

Pharmacists will accept the return of any unused medication. They ask individuals returning medications to scratch out any patient identification on the medication bottles, place all returned medication into a clear plastic bag, and return it the pharmacy.  

Pharmacists will then place the returned medication into special medication disposal boxes, which are safely destroyed on a regular basis. 

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Meridian Source Staff
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