Land Use Bylaw chugs along

Lloydminster council has given the Land Use Bylaw its first reading at the Sept. 9 council meeting. 

Updates to the bylaw were made following the last presentation at the Aug. 12 Governance and Priorities Committee meeting. 

One of the updates made was regarding the number of units that can be built on a lot in a low density residential district.

“So certainly, one of the big changes that came forward from the original draft proposal that’s been seen by the community, has been around four units potentially on a property that has been downsized to three,” said Mayor Gerald Aalbers.

Aalbers says there’s pros and cons to build up to three units on one parcel of land.

He also says it’s an issue they’ve heard from a lot of people in the community.

“That was one issue we heard from a lot of people, concern there was this outside pressure to force multifamily homes on every lot,” said Aalbers. “There is no pressure from anywhere, from the federal and provincial governments.

He says there’s increasing pressure for families to be able to find affordable housing. He also says it is a challenge but at the municipal level they don’t have control over factors like inflation, immigration, and pricing.

Other changes to the bylaw include:

  • Regulations regarding short term rentals have been updated to state that parking required in addition to that of the dwelling type shall only be required if the owner of the short term rental resides there.
  • Provisions regarding the discretionary use considerations were updated to include specific requirements for the development authority to consider applications compliance with existing surrounding development and neighbourhood structure plans 
  • Provisions regarding development within the downtown area redevelopment plan overlay were updated to allow for more districts to be included within those areas of the city. 

All the updates to the bylaw can be found on the City of Lloydminster’s website.

The next steps include a public hearing at the Oct. 7 council meeting with second and third readings potentially being given at the Oct. 27 meeting.

Read more: Lloydminster continues land use bylaw review

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Christian Apostolovski
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