RCMP cleared in Saddle Lake shooting

An investigation into an RCMP officer who shot a tire has found his actions contrary to RCMP policy but not criminal.

An RCMP officer fired at a suspect’s vehicle tire during a dangerous incident in the Saddle Lake Cree Nation on Dec. 13, 2022.

The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) investigated the officer’s actions. Firing at moving vehicles goes against RCMP policies, which state the following:

The discharge of a firearm at a motor vehicle is an ineffective method of disabling a motor vehicle. Discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle presents a hazard to both
the officer and to the public.

However, ASIRT found the officer made a split-second decision to stop a perceived more significant threat. The officer knew of the suspect’s history of driving both impaired and having weapons in their possession

ASIRT ruled the officer’s actions justified under Canadian self-defence laws based on video evidence from the call and statements from those involved. Additionally, the officer did not face criminal charges.

“The suspect was attempting to flee police. The video clearly shows the suspect attempting to drive forward at a high speed despite there being officers on foot in front of him. He was a serious threat to the officers,” states the report. “While he drove slowly in the video, this was only due to the slippery road and his spinning wheels showed that he would have driven forward very quickly if he was able. Had the tires gained traction, he would have suddenly moved forward very quickly. He likely would have hit the officer’s vehicle and potentially caused it to hit the second officer on scene.”

The report noted an alternative to shooting the tire was shooting at the suspect and potentially killing him—the choice not to shoot them was a good one.

Meanwhile, upon arrest the suspect was intoxicated, armed, and driving a stolen vehicle. No injuries were reported.

ASIRT emphasized the importance of RCMP officers following policies during critical incidents. Compliance helps ensure public and officer safety in future situations.

No information in the report was provided regarding the status of the officer.

Read More: ASIRT investigating arrest and detention in Lloyd

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Dan Gray
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