The Vic Juba Community Theatre will be continuing its work updating various policies and reviewing governance.
In 2024, the theatre hired a project coordinator on a one-year term. The project coordinator supported the transition of Microsoft 365 for all theatre staff, completed review and adoption of twelve new policies, three existing policies and fourteen historical policies, and documented key procedures and guidelines.
The theatre board will be continuing their work this year.
“We are requesting that the theatre board review their bylaws and governance documentation to transition from operational structure to governance structure,” said Tracy Simpson, executive manager, community development services. “They’ve progressed a lot of work through 2024; we have a draft, an update of new bylaws in draft and review with legal. A large number of policies have been reviewed, including 12 new ones, three existing policy have been reviewed, and 14 historical policies have been repealed.”
Coun. Jason Whiting says council was in favour of considering extending this agreement.
“I think this was the appropriate way to do this, we had the budget come forward we had heard about this ask, it wasn’t included in the budget but at that time we were in favour of the discussion,” he said. “I know there has been a lot of good work being done at the Vic Juba to try and organize and do some work on policy and do some other work at the board level and governance.”
Whiting thanked those in the gallery from the Vic Juba Theatre for their hard work.
The item was brought forward during budget deliberations and was requested to be brought to a future council meeting for decision.
Council approved the motion to amend the funding agreement with the Vic Juba Community Theatre regarding the project coordinator position and extend it for an additional six months.
Read more: Video: Bishop Lloyd rocks the Vic Juba