Health issues are preventing Edmonton’s Chris Sadleir from his Walk to Breathe fundraiser from Lethbridge to Edmonton for Alberta Lung. Supplied Photo
Alberta is a wide-open province, but it could use a Breathing Space.
The fundraising goal of Alberta Lung is to build a sanctuary called the Breathing Space for lung transplant patients and their families to recover and regain their strength and vitality.
The campaign has been championed by Edmonton’s Chris Sadleir, who has raised nearly $100,000 on his own by walking more than 840 kilometres over the past two years.
The 47-year-old is taking a mulligan this year due to health issues and injuries and is asking all Albertans to carry on his Walk to Breathe virtually, to run from Sept. 7 to Sept. 17.
The end date happens to be the birthday of his dad, Rob, who inspired the walk after receiving a double lung transplant six years ago last month.
“The promotion behind that is because of the support of all Albertans and Alberta Lung and what we’re doing, thankfully, my father gets to celebrate another birthday,” said Sadleir.
He says unfortunately lung disease is “not a sexy charity” for people to donate to and goes beyond the common assumption lung disease is just something smokers get.
Alberta Lung is a non-profit and volunteer-based charity that raises money to fight all types of lung disease, fund lung health research and support patients in need.
The organization estimates about 600,000 Albertans are living with lung diseases including COVID-related issues and poor air quality, to asthma and sleep apnea.
Sadleir, who works in outside sales, wanted to raise awareness for Alberta Lung after learning how widespread lung disease is.
“I just had the vision to raise some awareness for a charity that was grossly underfunded and unaware to Albertans that are going to need these services over the years,” he explained.
Last summer, he walked from Lethbridge to Edmonton over 17 days in tough environmental conditions to raise awareness and funds.
“With the heat and forest fire smoke, it was tough breathing sometimes. Imagine if someone has asthma or respiratory problems,” he said.
Sadleir hopes to resume his walk next year, but plan B is the rollout of the virtual walk with details on how to register at the Alberta Lung website and social media in the coming days.
He says people can register for $35 a person and team up with friends, family members and co-workers to raise $100 as a group and try to walk at least 1 kilometre a day during the 11-day window.
“We are hoping for 840 participants, symbolic of the 840 km in lieu of me doing it,” said Sadleir.
He says it will be promoted as a “help Chris get across the finish line while he’s recovering” sort of thing.
For more information follow Sadleir on Facebook at CK Sadleir or Sads216 on Instagram and on Twitter: @SadleirChris.